Beechgrove Playgroups Terms & Conditions

Please read this page carefully before booking and/or using the Doggy Fun Park. By booking a Playgroup session you are agreeing to ALL of the terms and conditions below;

Beechgrove want all visitors (dogs and human) to enjoy their time at the park, but please observe the following guidelines to ensure your own safety and that of your dog:

Please follow staff guidance as we only wish to protect you, your dog, and all visitors – remember that should your dog attack or injure another dog or person not just at Beechgrove, but anywhere, you are held liable by law.

NO TRAINED ATTACK OR GUARD DOGS MAY ENTER THE PARK DURING GROUP ACTIVITIES. * These dogs, aggressive dogs and registered ‘dangerous’ dog breeds are very welcome to Private Appointments*

  • Dogs MUST always be kept on lead in the Car Park and Reception Area.
  • Dogs should always be supervised by their owners/handlers.
  • Owners/Handlers MUST clean up after their dog(s).
  • Use caution when interacting with dogs that are not your own. Some dogs may not enjoy affection, may be very nervous of humans or particularly children. Please respect each dog’s boundaries and guide your children on safe interactions.
  • All visiting dogs should wear a collar or harness.
  • Dogs and Children (under 16) should always have adult supervision and never be left unattended in the park at any time.
  • Please keep off the equipment – Dog Park obstacles and agility equipment are designed to be used by dogs only – Children should always be supervised and not allowed to climb on the equipment!
  • Dogs under one year of age should not be encouraged to jump as their joints are still developing.
  • Playgroups are unsuitable for female dogs in season and pregnant dogs. Please enquire about Private Hire.
  • All food waste, cigarette butts, paper cups and rubbish must be placed in the bins provided – these are all tempting treats for your dog but can make them ill.
  • Non-neutered male dogs are typically restricted to a certain amount per playgroup – they are still of course welcome to join in but please be aware that spaces will be slightly more limited for them.
  • Should you become concerned about another dog’s behaviour, please consult a member of staff.

Beechgrove staff are experienced and trained to always be vigilantly watching the body language of our visiting dogs – As their responsible human please monitor your own dog’s body language too. If your dog is becoming overly boisterous or you have any queries on their behaviour, please just come ask a member of our team, we’ll happily assist you or simply talk you through the dog’s behaviour. If a dog does begin to show aggressive behaviour or unsuitable behaviour for the group, the dog will be removed from the playgroup. If we have space the dog will be allowed a private area alternative, but we cannot always guarantee the area will be available for this. If this is the case our team members will still help you figure out the best path for your dog’s socialisation.

Dogs known to be aggressive towards other dogs or people (or exhibit threatening behaviour) should not be brought to the park for playgroups or any group activities. A private area can be booked for ANY dog.

A playgroup environment is not suited to every dog so please do not be disheartened if we recommend a different activity for your dog. The Beechgrove team only want the best for each visiting dog and will always do our best to help your dog have a great experience.

Your dog should have their vaccinations / titre test up to date and puppies must have had all their puppy shots. Dogs suffering contagious diseases or conditions must not be brought to the park until they are fully recovered. If a dog is found to exhibit symptoms of any disease, we must remove the dog from the playgroup for the safety of the other dogs.


This is a fun, safe space for your dogs to use – we do not tolerate any harsh handling, aversive tools (choke chains, prong collars and electronic devices), verbal or physical abuse towards any dogs or humans at Beechgrove premises. If staff have any concerns or if reports are raised of inappropriate behaviour towards your dog, we have the right to revoke booking rights. Dogs will not be permitted entry into playgroups whilst wearing prong, shock or choke collars for their own safety.